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March 22, 2013

"Song of the week" #14

"Song of the week" #13 was Somnus from Final Fantasy Versus XIII... so yes, of course today's entry is all about the main subject of this blog: Final Fantasy XIV!

"Answers" by Susan Calloway and Nobuo Uematsu
From the album "Final Fantasy Vocal Collection", 2013

Live performance (Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy Returning Home):

Answers has been featured in-game and in various videos, including the beautiful End of an Era trailer.


  1. thanks for featuring this song !! It was so fun to work on this with Nobuo.Your support means a lot to us :)

    1. Susan! Glad and honored to see you here! :D Thanks to YOU and Nobuo; Answers is amazing and so you are! Watching that live performance always gives me goosebumps. :) /bow
