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March 19, 2013

Final Fantasy XIV, Letter from the Producer XLIV: Beta phase 2 and Guildhests

Letter from the Producer XLIV is now online: check it here! Yoshi-P lets us know that Beta phase 2 will start in early April (phase 1 will end this Monday), bringing controller support to A Realm Reborn. Also, here are some Guildhests screenshots:

Guildhests are based on Behests from FFXIV 1.0. "It's an easy way to party up with friends, and can be enjoyed before you tackle dungeons later on, so look forward to group play even in the early levels".


  1. So Guildhests are like the Guild Missions in GW2? Sounds pretty cool!

  2. Not sure (I haven't played GW2), however if they're still very similar to XIV 1.0 behests, you get to kill with a party various enemies (open field) which spawn and can only be attacked by behest/guildhest's partecipants. EXP and gil are were rewarded at the end based on time, enemy levels, etc
