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April 11, 2013

FFXIV A Realm Reborn: Final Fantasy VI-like Magitek clip is now online

This is nothing new to those who watched Letter from the Producer LIVE Part VI (April 4): in Final Fantasy XIV we'll be able to ride Magiteks and, for the live stream, part of the opening scene of Final Fantasy VI has been remade in A Realm Reborn, together with a new version of Terra's theme (I loved it! Did you?). Today, this clip has been made available in high quality (/joy even for those who have already watched it live):

Also, click here to check all the Q&A and most of the artworks featured in Live Letter VI.


  1. Evocativo. E il VI non l'ho ancora giocato... Mi sa che lascio lo schifo di GW2 e mi butto su questo.

    1. si giocalo è uno dei più bei FF secondo me :O spero sempre che facciano un remake (almeno in stile FFIII 3DS)
