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Updated Posts (Latest 3)

July 29, 2012

FFXIV Dev Tracker: 25-29 luglio (July)

Have you decided on your 2.0 beta character? [Link >>]

Rukkirii>> Hey everyone! We are currently in the process of setting up the character re-customization system that will allow players to be able to change their visual appearance including their characters special features. You will be able to see how your character looks with the new graphics engine and you will have the option to change the aspects that you wish to alter.

I really miss the /smile emote [Link >>]

Rukkirii>> With all of this emote talk lately we’ve decided to give you more! :P
The dev. team is looking into whether or not it will be possible to implement an on/off toggle (or maybe a specific setting) that will make it so your emotes don't show up in the chat log (and you don't have to type "motion" each time).

First FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Trailer Released! [Link >>]

Youmukon>> We are pleased to announce that the first trailer for FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn, entitled The Fate of Eorzea, has been released. To coincide with this, the game’s website has also gone live!
Visit the FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn website!

Discontinued Content in FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn [Link >>]

Bayohne>> Whoops! Not sure how that German text made it in there, but for our fine forum-going community, here is what those achievement names should be!
Taking in the Sights: La Noscea / Taking in the Sights: Black Shroud / Taking in the Sights: Thanalan / Taking in the Sights: Coerthas / Taking in the Sights: Mor Dhona / Been There, Done That
* Other achievements may undergo changes to their conditions or temporarily become unavailable upon release of A Realm Reborn.
This could all have been avoided if everyone just spoke German, by the way.

Discontinued Content in FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn [Link >>]
Question about Relic Reborn Quest: Anyone know if all of our forward progress will be erased, and/or if the items we will have worked hard to farm etc. will be lost/ or null and void come 2.0? I am still working on obtaining my 9/9 hamlet seals and therefore, am a little worried that I might still be on the dungeon or primal portion of the quest when the server is shut down. As it is looking like both the Dungeons and Primals are subject to the re-working/or just gonna be gone, not sure what they will do with our forward progress. So any information would be appreciated.
Rukkirii>> Don't you worry!
Rukkirii>> Hey everyone! 
As we have mentioned previously in the past, quests that are not completed by the time 2.0 is implemented may have their progress rolled back. In regards to this, we will be making an exception for the quest “A Relic Reborn” so that players can maintain the pace that they are most comfortable with.

Event [Link >>]

Camate>> Greetings! We have been sending all your requests for swimsuits to the Development Team. In the future we will add a variety of new equipment designs, so amongst these we will also look into new and different swimsuit designs.
In regards to all of the demands for the Development Team to release last year’s swimwear, as was mentioned previously, these seasonal event items are given to players to act as proof that they participated and we are not planning to simply distribute them. We will look into how we can distribute these items in the future once an appropriate amount of time passes.

All About Benediction with the Lore Team (07/23/2012) [Link >>]

Camate>> Hope everyone is a having a good Friday! :)
Some JP players were curious about the meaning behind the action “Benediction” since it is written in katakana as a loan word (which means it’s borrowed from another language), and the lore team gave them a nice explanation I figured I would share with you all:
As some of you have already pointed out the action name comes from the English word “Benediction.”
In Japanese this would be ”祝福” (shuku-fuku=benediction, blessing :P) and the action was named with the idea that you are offering a prayer for you and your allies. 
In regards to the “Goddess-” series of action names (note: EN does not use this for action names), this refers to the Goddess of fertility, Nophica. We used this name since it lends itself to the development of conjuring magic in Gridania. 
Since Benediction is from a magic system older than conjury, we decided to use “Benediction” instead of having it begin with “Goddess-.”
While there were a lot of cases in previous FINAL FANTASY series where “Full Cure” would completely restore the HP of a single ally, we felt that completely restoring the HP of you and your entire party differed quite a bit, and decided to adopt “Benediction.”

Skirmish: how? [Link >>]

Okipuit>> Greetings! We're glad to see that you guys are enjoying Skirmish!
We understand that some of you were hoping to see Grand Company Seals, but the Development Team said that Skirmish's main focus is on these new weapons, and they don't plan on adding seals for that reason.

Garuda weapons for seals [Link >>]

Camate>> Hi everyone :)
We haven't decided whether we will be making Garuda weapons exchangeable for seals in the upcoming lettered patches as of yet, but we will be keeping an eye on the situation and look into whether we can add them to the list of possible items that can be traded.

Would you like to see the current stat system revised or redone for FFXIV 2.0? [Link >>]

Rukkirii>> Snurble here in your thread~! :P
I wanted to give you some details on what's being planned for stats in A Realm Reborn.
In regards to battle-related stats, it is currently possible to receive large boosts from stats on equipment, while character stats do not have as much of an effect. For example, equipping items with multiple materia melded to it will allow players to become quite powerful. In A Realm Reborn, we are planning to make adjustments so that the ratio of influence from character stats and from gear stats is 1:1. With this, having 5 materia melded onto a single item won’t elicit as large of a difference like it does currently.
Similarly in the current version, even when players add large amounts of INT and STR via equipment with multiple materia and such, it may feel like damage is not increasing and this is due to a damage range that has been set. Fundamentally, battle related stats fluctuate based on the level difference between enemies, and this is also why we are not planning to display evasion rates and other things.
For crafting, the stats in A Realm Reborn will have a greater influence than now, and for gathering, the requirements to obtain HQ items will be visible!

Suggestion (for 2.0): Linkshell Message Board [Link >>]

Okipuit>> Hi Nabiri, I have an update on your request from the development team to share with you! Currently, the team isn't focusing on expanding Linkshell functionality too much, but once A Realm Reborn launches, they are looking to introduce some form of log in message for Free Companies.
As for in-game calendars, the team said that they will be looking into this post-launch as well.

These Grand Company Colors Don't Run! [Link >>]

Bayohne>> Thank you all for the amazing entries! I am sure you have made Merlwyb, Kan-E-Senna, and Raubahn extremely proud that they have such loyal and patriotic comrades!
The Community Team will be carefully looking over each and every banner and will announce the winners early next week.


  1. LOL! Hai scritto in "A Relic Reborn" invece di "A Realm Reborn... Comunque sono esaltatissimo per il nuovo trailer. :Q
